Welcome to the Website of:

The Telein Group, Inc.

At Telein, we believe change starts with VISION. A clear, compelling, inspiring picture of where you want to go, providing a beacon to light your way. We’ll help you define it.

The next step is INTEGRATION. Getting all the people and pieces working together, removing barriers and boundaries, unleashing untapped potential. We bring the knowledge, roadmap and tools to help you get there.

The result? We guarantee spectacular, repeatable, sustainable performance and value. We call it ABUNDANCE. And we believe it’s available to each of us, in our organizations and in our lifework.

Our Mission boldly states that “our intention is to change the world through becoming and teaching ‘the power of one’ - one person, one organization, one world.”

We invite you to explore our website to find out more about how we can help you change the part of the world you touch. And check back often, as we continue to add our latest insights and breakthrough.

Working Together Logo
Doug Smith Video